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Askold Melnyczuk
Portrait of Askold Melnyczuk

Askold Melnyczuk is the founding editor of AGNI and contributes a series of essays called “Shadowboxing.” He is professor of creative writing at UMass Boston. Excerpts from his anti-memoir in progress have appeared recently in The Threepenny Review and Epiphany. The Epiphany excerpt, “Turbulence, Love,” was cited as Notable in The Best American Essays 2010. His third novel, The House of Widows (Graywolf Press), won the Editor’s Choice Award from the American Library Association as one of the outstanding books of 2008. His second novel, Ambassador of the Dead (Counterpoint, 2001) was called “exquisite, original” by The Washington Post, and his first, What Is Told (Faber and Faber), was a New York Times Notable Book for 1994.

In 1997 Melnyczuk received a Lila Wallace-Readers’ Digest Award in Fiction. Winner of the McGinnis Award in Fiction, he has also been awarded grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. He has published stories, poems, translations, and reviews in The New York TimesThe NationThe Partisan ReviewGrand StreetPloughsharesAGNIPoetry, and The Boston Globe. His poems have been included in various anthologies, including The McGraw-Hill Book of PoetryLiterature: The Evolving Canon, and Under 35: The New Generation of American Poets. He has edited three volumes in the Graywolf Take Three Poetry Series, as well as a volume of tributes to Father Daniel Berrigan and a livre d’artiste on painter Gerry Bergstein. He also coedited From Three Worlds: New Writing from Ukraine.

He previously taught at Harvard University, the graduate Bennington Writing Seminars, and Boston University, where he edited AGNI until its thirtieth anniversary year in 2002. A research associate of the Ukrainian Institute at Harvard, he has served on the boards of the New England Poetry Club and PEN New England and has been a fellow of the Boston Foundation. In 2001 he received PEN American Center’s biennial Nora Magid Award for Magazine Editing as well as PEN New England’s “Friend to Writers” Award.

Melnyczuk founded AGNI in 1972 as an undergraduate at Antioch College and Arrowsmith Press in 2006. (updated 10/2022)

See him interviewed on New England Authors.

AGNI has published the following work:

Where is My Lariat? The Poetry of John McKernan
AGNI 5 and 6Print Only
Reflections at 50
AGNI 96Print Only
Editor's Note
AGNI at Twenty-Five
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing: On Not Being Irish in Boston
AGNI 48Print Only
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing: Saved by Shame: Milosz’s Concupiscent Curds
AGNI 49Print Only
In Memoriam: Solomea Pavlychko
AGNI 51Print Only
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing: The Future of Literature in America
AGNI 55Print Only
Shadowboxing: From the Diary of a Self-hating Pundit
AGNI 60Print Only
Shadowboxing: An Open Letter to My Students About Captain Violin, Saul Bellow, the War, and the Art of Fiction
AGNI 62Print Only
Shadowboxing: On the Failures of Victory
AGNI 64Print Only
Shadowboxing: Secular Antics in Bethlehem
AGNI 68Print Only
Shadowboxing: A Proposal for Unknotting Credit Markets and Restoring Prosperity
AGNI 73Print Only
Shadowboxing: Beating Toms
AGNI 74Print Only
Shadowboxing: Occupational Hazards
AGNI 76Print Only
Shadowboxing: No, Really: What Is To Be Done in Ukraine
AGNI 81Print Only
In Memoriam Michael Mazur, 1935–2009
AGNI 70Print Only
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing: Prophet Loss
Editor's Note
Ed Hogan: In Memoriam
Editor's Note
Send No Money Now
AGNI 40Print Only
James Laughlin, Poet
AGNI 37Print Only
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing (A Column): Socrates on Ice
AGNI 34Print Only
Editor's Note
Shadowboxing: A Column
Editor's Note
Reply to Birkerts
AGNI 29 and 30Print Only
Editor's Note
Prefixes to the Self
AGNI 28Print Only
Editor's Note
Editor’s Note
Editor's Note
AGNI 26Print Only
Roman Coins, Scythian Pottery
AGNI 26Print Only
Editor's Note
Introduction to This Issue’s Poetry
AGNI 21Print Only
Never the Kind
AGNI 17Print Only
The Great Acorn of Light
AGNI 12Print Only
One Poem
AGNI 2Print Only

AGNI has published the following translations:

by Olena Zahajkewycz
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
from Prayers: 9, 13, 24
by Bohdan Boychuk
Translated from the Ukrainian by Bohdan Rubchak and Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 33Print Only
from Prayers: 1
by Bohdan Boychuk
Translated from the Ukrainian by Bohdan Rubchak and Askold Melnyczuk
We Who Have No Future
by Valentyn Vorog
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 16Print Only
by Mykola Rudenko
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 14Print Only
At Least, You
by Mykola Rudenko
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 14Print Only
The Flower
by Mykola Rudenko
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 14Print Only
The King of Tasmania
by Mykola Rudenko
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
Owl & Thrush
by Gregory Skovoroda
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 13Print Only
Eagle & Magpie
by Gregory Skovoroda
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 13Print Only
by Gregory Skovoroda
Translated from the Ukrainian by Askold Melnyczuk
AGNI 13Print Only
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