Editor's Note
Art Feature

Place and displacement. Essayists Eileen Myles and Jessie van Eerden give visions of terra firma, exploring the space between fixity and mutability, while Teju Cole’s flash stories sketch liminal scenarios that locate the ways mystery attends us. Fiction by Emmelie Prophète (in Aidan Rooney’s translation) and an essay by Sofia Oumhani Benbahmed use settings of conflict and crisis to support a vexing search for identity; poets Michael Torres, Preeti Kaur Rajpal, and Diane Seuss return to moments that promise yet challenge belonging. Then founding editor Askold Melnyczuk and coeditor Sven Birkerts look back on 50 years of AGNI—from conception to full maturity. For a unique and celebratory art feature, we invited inspirations from a roster of former portfolio artists. Their theme: agni, which is to say, fire. The principle of combustion. (Cover art: Anne Neely)