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Editor's Note

I’ll take Hell in a Handbasket for five hundred, Alex.


Philosophy Seminar: The Carnivore
The Master of Patina
A Bad Harvest
Monrovia Scripture
The Apprentice
Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
It’s All Good
Relatives of God
You Look Like Jesus
Translated by Susan Bernofsky
Do You Know Meier
Translated by Susan Bernofsky
Translated by Susan Bernofsky
I Want You to Know That I Know That He Loved You
My Father’s Coat


How To Write About Your Family: A Lesson from Peter Taylor
The Gay Gene
Monkey Mind: A Meditative Path to Perfection
Shadowboxing: A Proposal for Unknotting Credit Markets and Restoring Prosperity
Crucibles: Walser Before & After


Pandemic Sings the Muse
Béla on the Shore, 1955
When It Comes
Elegy for the Spanish Republic
Dog Adrift: Poland, January 2010
My People
Family Talk
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 5
Translated from the German by Paul Franz
We Should Keep Living,
The Number
Dog Chained to Radiator in Abandoned Apartment
Upon Reading that a Noisy Cloth Factory Separated the Family Homes of Sandro Botticelli and Amerigo Vespucci
Satire i.1
Translated from the Latin by David Ferry
Heads of the Hydra
The Source of the Styx
The Mouth of the Anthill Is Learning to Write
The Author, Taken By His Boss to the Baths, Receives an Instructional Brochure
For Britt
Goldberg Variations
Party at Marquis de Sade’s Place
A Race
At a Time
An Economics
The Garden

Art Feature


Tethers of mind, tethers of heart: a lyric inventory of the ties that bind, and constrain. Cover and portfolio by Ethan Murrow create the vibration, sustained and amplified in fiction by Ihab Hassan, Mark Slouka, Sigrid Nunez, Tom Whalen, and many others; poetry by Amy Beeder, Tom Sleigh, Patricia Lockwood, and Ed Ochester; and nonfiction by Nin Andrews and Matt Donovan. Translations of Robert Walser, Giulio Mozzi, Paul Celan, and Horace.

Sven Birkerts
Founding Editor
Askold Melnyczuk
Senior Editor
William Pierce
Sr. Fiction Editor
William Giraldi
Fiction Readers
Jessica Keener, Mary O'Donoghue
Poetry Editor
Lynne Potts
Asst. Poetry Editor
Sumita Chakraborty
Poetry Reader
Erin Trahan
Reviews Editor
Rachel Mennies
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein, Robert Pinsky, Derek Walcott, Rosanna Warren
Editorial Assistants
Robyn Kaufman, Calvin Olsen, Lara Jacobs, T. J. McLemore, Chiara Scully, Rachel Jacobs, Lisa Hiton, Valerie Sarron
Contributing Editors
Lucie Brock-Broido, John J. Clayton, William Corbett, Stuart Dischell, Sharon Dunn, ed. emerita, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Marie Howe, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Ha Jin, Alex Johnson, Dana Levin, Fred Marchant, Fiona McCrae, Gail Mazur, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Lia Purpura, George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Oksana Zabuzhko
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