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Editor’s Note

Introduction to This Issue’s Poetry


Love is the Crooked Thing
Rough-and-Tumble Mercies


James Wright’s “Hammock”: A Sounding


William Rimmer: “Flight and Pursuit”
The Clergyman’s Wife Composes a Spring Letter
The Birth of Time
Toy Soldiers
The Waves at Matsushima
Driving the County Blacktop
What the Right Hand Gives, the Left Takes Away
Parts Do Not Make a Whole
The Green House
Sentence 3
Silver Lake
The Threshold for the Definition of “Numinous” is a Variable
The Garden of Acclimatization
from Pond Subjects: 3. Fjord, 4. High School, 5. Edmunds!—, 6. Ishmael, 8. Narcissus, 13. Letter to My Brother, 16. Before Lauds
Problem Solving
The Rivers of England
Anglian Music
The Air of Cathedrals
The Pilot’s Daughter
Berlin Metro
Poem with Afternoon Light
My Lord
Translated from the Russian by Ilya Nykin and Pamela White Hadas
Leningrad Triptych
Translated from the Russian by Ilya Nykin and Pamela White Hadas
Britons Leaving France
The Fall (Bababadalgharag., etc.)
The String Quartet of the Birds
Unintentional Lullaby
The Driver Kept on Going
In Exile
Translated from the Arabic by Desmond O’Grady
Poem After Several Images in Calvino
A Weekend at the Last Resort
Varieties of Religious Experience
Simple Sums
Spring Afternoon
Exile’s Matins
August: Blues
Death: A Betrothal
Books by Nobody
An Art of Remoteness
My Old Man

Founder Askold Melnyczuk opens AGNI 21—an emphatically Whitmanesque issue—by stressing the role and responsibility of the poet, particularly in relation to the ongoing mystery of the American experiment. The poet must once again fuse “the material world, that of the body,” with “the spiritual world, that of the word.” This cannot be done purely through adherence to the conventions of technique. It requires imagination and careful perception, as found here in the poems of Agha Shahid Ali, Albert Goldbarth, Wayne Koestenbaum, Irina Ratushinskaya, Dick Allen, Rosanna Warren, and many others. Fiction by Lee Abbott and Sharon Sheehe Stark balance against an essay in which Sven Birkerts untangles the knots in James Wright’s “Hammock.”

  Founding EditorAskold Melnyczuk
  Editor Sharon Dunn
  Advisory EditorJohn J. Clayton
  Contributing Editors Sven Birkerts 
   Norman Dukes 
  Managing Editor Judith Vannice
  Editorial AssistantKeith Dawson
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