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Mirko Polkan
Translated from the Italian by John Satriano
The Letter Writer
Different Lives


Demos and Sophia: Not a Love Story


The Body Still Wanting
The Converted
In a Rowboat, Once, By Night
And So Long, I’ve Had You Flame
Kid Flash
My Father-in-Law’s Coat
Quantum Mechanics: Another Love Poem
The Meaning of Hillbilly Music
from With Light and Death: 9, 15-17, 19-21
Translated from the Greek by Olga Broumas
Ni-Kung Mountain
Translated from the Chinese by Lee Gerlach
The Mill of Death
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
The Sacred Body
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
The Trespasser’s Tale
Monk’s ‘Round Midnight Deconstructed
The Common Chorus: A Version of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata: Part I
What We Hoped For
One Wing
Water Touching Water
Black Mare
Magical Thinking
Midnight Reports
The End of a Day
Translated from the Greek by James Stone
The Stairwell
The Sudd as Metaphor
I Have Walked Down Many Roads
Translated from the Spanish by Don Share
Death in a Mist
Push On, Amigo
School Holiday, South Wales
The High Achievers
Whatever Else
The Goose
The All-Night Café
Physics Defeats Me Once Again, But Wisdom Saves the Day
the birds of sorrow
The Elegy of Doubt
Prehistoric Horses
Judas Iscariot
Translated from the Slovenian by Michael Biggins
Translated from the Slovenian by Michael Biggins

Art Feature

Note on Transposition
Note on Untitled
A Photograph of One of the Holograms of Nothing
On The Holograms of Nothing, Walls of the Cubic Vacuum Chamber, The Boundless Cubic Lunar Aperture, Fourth Aspect of the Quiet Axis
Note on Silent Observations
Silent Observations
Elle Vient de se Séparer
Note on Elle Vient de se Séparer
Introduction to the Art Feature: Concerning the Spiritual in Art
Attrezzo Napoli, Ontario
Note on Attrezzo Napoli, Ontario
Note on The Fictive Analysis of the Klein Bottle
The Fictive Analysis of the Klein Bottle
Life in the Cambrian Age
Note on Life in the Cambrian Age
Note on The Catch
The Catch


Lowell Only
Bausch and Taylor

Lairs of God: Spirituality After Silicon Valley

Objections Noted
Three Notes on the Computer
Culture and Spirit
Is God Down?
William Blake: Some Pieces from the Puzzle

New muses join forces with old muses to inspire an electric, eclectic collection. AGNI 27 presents a special feature, “Lairs of God: Spirituality After Silicon Valley,” which brings together essays by Marilynne Robinson, Eliot Weinberger, David Lehman, and others to explore how technology—especially that of the word processor—shapes spiritual and literary life. Askold Melnyczuk asks us to consider, “[A]re we to assume technology has been humanized? Or has humanity been technologized?” Meanwhile, the issue’s feature poet, Glyn Maxwell, writes of “silence’s still geology” and “the crowd where voices die and resurrect as shouts” along with other haunting images. Don’t miss Tony Harrison’s play The Common Chorus, a whimsically profane re-imagining of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, as well as the fiction and poetry of Elizabeth Strout, M.T. Sharif, Stephen Minot, Lucie Brock-Broido, Lynda Hull, David Rivard, Kathleen Norris, Yvan Goll, Sophie Cabot Black, and Odysseas Elytis.

Askold Melnyczuk
Executive Editor
Sharon Dunn
Advisory Editor
Sven Birkerts
Managing Editor
Ann Greenberger
Art Editor
Thomas Frick
Associate Editor
Fred Marchant
Contributing Editors
Rosanna Warren, Derek Walcott, Harry Thomas, Tom Sleigh, George Scialabba, Scott Ruescher, Mary Morris, Marie Howe, James Galvin, Stuart Dischell, Steven Cramer, John J. Clayton, Thomas Bahr
Editorial Assistant
Sean Patrick Broderick
Judith Wolff, Amy Fusselman
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