“That’s Why I Love Her So & Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I Want the World to Know” or Why Jackie Wilson Died in Silence
The Second World
by Debra Spark
The Eternity Bird
How to Speak with the Dead? A Poet’s Notebook
Translated from the Spanish by Monica Bruno
from Philip Guston
The High Place of American Poetry: The Problem With Witness
from Borderlands: 27-39
A Catfish for Your Thoughts: Ukrainian Literature at the Turning Point
The Sealed Envelope
Gabriela’s Elqui
Nights Mutable as Water Revise Themselves Into the Shape of Our Extravagant Past
Philips Street, Andover
Everybody Has a Heart, Except Some People
His Apprentice
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Spirit Papers
by Teresa Cader
Blue Ridge Blue
by David Daniel
From a Letter I Did Not Receive
The Fire
Guyton Place
It’s Top Forty in My Head
by Lisa Gade
by Peter Gurnis
The Lover
by Peter Gurnis
Dear Editor Kirby, Even in This Facility
by Mark Irwin
Little Death
Rushing the Gates of Empirical Gardens
My Father Receives the First Visitation
The Upsidedown Waterfall
by Ann Kim
The Hanoi Market
Trueblood’s Blues
At a Certain Point
It’s Difficult
Melissa (from Byways)
A Handful of Bees
fromRose Window (or Prosettes)
by Wanda Phipps
by David Ray
After the News
Apollo to the Athletes
The Story of Crucifixion
I Don’t Want a Son
The Alley
Translated from the French by William Louis-Dreyfus and Molly Peacock
Whisper of Agony
Translated from the French by William Louis-Dreyfus and Molly Peacock
Mrs. Biswas Breaks Her Connection With Another Relative
Norwegian Spruce
by Joyce Wilson
An Interview With Leslie Epstein
by Leslie Epstein and Mark Brownlow
The Thinnest, Whitest Blonde of All
Articulate Survival as Generosity in Four Books of Poems
Mr. Cogito’s Tragic Grandeur
by Susan Miron
Utopian Turtletop: Lynne McMahon’s Devolution of the Nude
The Degenerate Frontier

Askold Melnyczuk
Askold Melnyczuk
Executive Editor
Sharon Dunn
Sharon Dunn
Managing Editor
Erin Belieu
Erin Belieu
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein
Robert Pinsky
Derek Walcott
Leslie Epstein, Robert Pinsky, Derek Walcott
Poetry Panel
William Corbett, Chairperson
Erin Belieu
Askold Melnyczuk
Robert Pinsky
Tom Sleigh
Sue Standing
William Corbett, Chairperson, Erin Belieu, Askold Melnyczuk, Robert Pinsky, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing
Editorial Assistants
Richard Curtis
Erika Fernandez
John Mulligan
Maia Randhava
Brian Steel
Richard Curtis, Erika Fernandez, John Mulligan, Maia Randhava, Brian Steel
Contributing Editors
Thomas Bahr
Sven Birkerts
Lucie Brock-Broido
John J. Clayton
William Corbett
Stuart Dischell
Thomas Sayers Ellis
Marie Howe
Diana Der-Hovanessian
Ha Jin
Susan Johnson
Fred Marchant
Gail Mazur
Fiona McCrae
Dzvinia Orlowsky
Liam Rector
Scott Ruescher
George Scialabba
Tom Sleigh
Sue Standing
Tree Swenson
Rosanna Warren
Thomas Bahr, Sven Birkerts, Lucie Brock-Broido, John J. Clayton, William Corbett, Stuart Dischell, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Marie Howe, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Ha Jin, Susan Johnson, Fred Marchant, Gail Mazur, Fiona McCrae, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Liam Rector, Scott Ruescher, George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Tree Swenson, Rosanna Warren