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Rhode Island Fish
The Match
Dragon Head
Black Book
Elina Is Happy
Translated from the Latvian by Banuta Rubess


Women of the Maquiladoras
Frank Bidart: A Salute
The Strange History of the American Fanatic
“What Was Lost”: Dissident Artists after Soviet Communism


by Ai
Mother Hunger and Her Seatbelt
June 1968
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Frick
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Frick
There Is the Body Lying in State
Inferno * Purgatorio * Paradiso
A Walk Around the Lake
Radical Forgetting
Blueberry Pie
A Baptist Beat
An Apology
Translated from the Urdu by Andrew McCord
from Memory: II
Translated from the Bulgarian by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev
Leopard Man
What I See I Am
Dedikation #5
Translated from the Portuguese by Alexis Levitin
The Uncovered Dish
A Scene
Translated from the Bulgarian by Lisa Sapinkopf and Georgi Belev
At the End of the Twentieth Century The Barbary Rim
Last Night
For the Dead
Lincoln in Richmond
Translated from the Ukrainian by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps
Working Wrong
The Testimonies of Ramon Fernandez
Annie Pearl Smith Discovers Moonlight
Nickel Wine and Deep Kisses
Self-Portrait as Foreign Policy
Against the Maker
Grandmother’s Clothes
Jimmy’s First Cigarette
Démon de la Trompette
The Lesson
The Promise
The Horn of Hard Water
A Definition of Poetry
Translated from the Ukrainian by Michael M. Naydan


“Also This, Also That”: Robert Pinsky’s Poetics of Inclusion

Thom Gunn Feature

A Note on Thom Gunn’s “Lament”
Two Versions of “Meat”
An Interview with Thom Gunn

Writing from India

Her Solution
Translated from the Tamil by Vasantha Sudya and Leslie Epstein
Balaji and the Teacher
Translated from the Tamil by Pa Subramanian and Leslie Epstein
Two Young Writers
Bilingualism and the Creative Writer in India
Another Country
Translated from the Bengali by Sunil B. Rāy and Carolyne Wright

Celebrate our twentieth anniversary year with AGNI 36, an issue that tugs between the fantastical and the everyday. You will find here writing that is grounded in bodily and cosmic speculation, that challenges inhumane working conditions, that pulls at family ties and pushes our understanding of being human. In addition to our feature on Thom Gunn, which includes an unpublished draft of his poem “Meat” and Joshua Weiner’s close reading, we offer a second feature, “Writing from India,” which includes Mridula Garg’s essay on bilingualism and Indian writers’ work in translation. AGNI 36 also presents essays, fiction, and poetry by Seamus Heaney, Victoria Nelson, Peter Sacks, Ha Jin, Peter LaSalle, Dorianne Laux, Patricia Smith, Vijay Seshadri, Liam Rector, Laura Mullen, Jorge Luis Borges, and Donald Hall.

  EditorAskold Melnyczuk
  Executive EditorSharon Dunn
  Managing EditorJennifer Rose
  Editorial AssistantsNick Owchar
   Jhumpa Lahiri
   Natalie Gerber
   Lissa Franz
   Cynthia Dyer
   Ellen Davis
   Tim Burton
  Advisory BoardDerek Walcott
   Robert Pinsky
   Leslie Epstein
  Contributing EditorsRosanna Warren
   Sue Standing
   Tom Sleigh
   George Scialabba
   Scott Ruescher
   Liam Rector
   Dzvinia Orlowsky
   Gail Mazur
   Fred Marchant
   Ha Jin
   Diana Der-Hovanessian
   Marie Howe
   Martín Espada
   Stuart Dischell 
   William Corbett
   John J. Clayton 
   Sven Birkerts
   Thomas Bahr
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