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Thomas Frick
Portrait of Thomas Frick

Thomas Frick wrote much of The Iron Boys as a Charles Pick Fellow at the University of East Anglia. He is working on a second novel and on a book-length philosophical investigation. He is co-director of publications at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (updated 11/2006)

AGNI has published the following work:

Art Feature
Introduction to the Art Feature: Concerning the Spiritual in Art
AGNI 27Print Only
Science Fiction
AGNI 26Print Only
Nietzsche’s Typewriter: Notes on Meaning and the Material World
AGNI 22Print Only

AGNI has published the following translations:

June 1968
by Jorge Luis Borges
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Frick
AGNI 36Print Only
by Jorge Luis Borges
Translated from the Spanish by Thomas Frick
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