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Editor's Note

The Nightcrawler, Joan Miró


What Makes the Dawn Breathable
The Assam Incident
City of Words
Le Coup de Foudre
Translated from German by Shelley Frisch
The Dead Ride Fast
Translated from Hungarian by M. Henderson Ellis
Other Bodies
Thinking in Third Person
What Could’ve Been?
Drip, Drop, Drippity-Drop
Translated from Italian by Martha Cooley and Antonio Romani
Beautiful Ground


Castle Hill
A Flicker of Animal, a Flank


Burial Instructions—Abject & Fuming
Slum Drummers, Nairobi
Nests I
Ghazal for Finally Leaving What Has Already Left
Beads of Sweat
The Nereids
Translated from French by Karl Kirchwey
Shooting a Slingshot With My Father
The Same Father
Forensics of Wheatbelt Silo Design
Pier Pug
Flowering Bitterroot
Blessing in Disguise
To an Ash on a Crackling Log
Snow Drones
Community Pool / Love Poem
The Field the Drive-In Was In
“You loved the tragedy factory of me. . .”
Poem for the Unknown
Portrait of a Sixteenth-Century Etching of the Body
Natural Disaster
Contrapunctus (#1)
The Narrows: Lake George, 1969
Song (of the Pharmaceutical) of the Song
from The Aeneid
Translated from Latin by David Ferry
Translated from Spanish by Ilan Stavans
Heaven Reject
Translated from Spanish by Ilan Stavans

Art Feature

Scenes from an Odyssey: Oscar on the Road (essay)

Unsettling whimsy, gravity, and grace: Photographer Rosamond Purcell’s portfolio— the debut of her “Oscar” series— provides the visual key signature for our most symphonically ambitious gathering of voices yet. Fiction by Beth Bosworth, Josh Weil, Chitra Divakaruni, and Tony Eprile; poetry by Nick Flynn, Erica Funkhouser, Peter Balakian, and Jill McDonough; essays by Anna Journey and K. E. Duffin; and much more. Superb translations of Virgil, Raúl Zurita, Théophile Gautier, Antonio Tabucchi, and others bring striking accents to the weave.

Sven Birkerts
Founding Editor
Askold Melnyczuk
Senior Editor
William Pierce
Asst. Poetry Editor
Sumita Chakraborty
Poetry Editor
Lynne Potts
Fiction Editor
William Giraldi
Prose Editor
Jennifer Alise Drew
Jessica Keener, Mary O'Donoghue, Erin Trahan, Brian Burt
Galley Editors/Events
Lindsay Guth, Beth Romano
Social Media
Sumita Chakraborty, Rachel Mennies
Daniel Pritchard, Steven LaFond
Newsletter Director
Alison Lanier
Editorial Assistants
Emily Frisella, Alison Lanier, Will Harrison, Brian Han, Anna Ziering, Emily Pineau, Rachel Feingold, Jannell McConnell Parsons
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein, Robert Pinsky, Derek Walcott, Rosanna Warren
Contributing Editors
Lucie Brock-Broido, John J. Clayton, William Corbett, Stuart Dischell, Sharon Dunn, ed. emerita, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Marie Howe, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Ha Jin, Alex Johnson, Dana Levin, Fred Marchant, Fiona McCrae, Gail Mazur, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Lia Purpura, George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Oksana Zabuzhko
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