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Editor’s Note

The Advertent Eye


Shadowboxing: Secular Antics in Bethlehem
Two Experiments and a Coda
Scholem in One Uneven Hour


His Knowledge of Having Done So
Dark Harbor
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven
Translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson
Andante con Variazioni
Seduction Against Exterior Pilaster, Waning Gibbous
Staffordshire Figurine, 1825
Prayers for a Giant
Table of Contents
Tell Me
The Right to Slap Butts, If He Wants
Yehuda Amichai
Translated from the Ukrainian by Orest Popovych
The Procession
On the Milkman
The Sweet Crime of a Waltz
O You Animals!
Translated from the German by Teresa Iverson
Circular Drives
Huang’s Tao Te Ching
A Promise
Kafka Variations
For R. K.
Translated from the Lithuanian by Ellen Hinsey
The Opposite Shore
Translated from the Lithuanian by Ellen Hinsey
Event Horizon

Art Feature

A Short Film: Good to Pull
Watching (essay)
I’ll Tell What I Saw
Introduction to the Art Feature
Translated from the Italian by Robert Pinsky

Inscapes and crossings. Michael Mazur’s cover rendering of Dantean passage sets the tone for an issue rich with transformative broodings and hard-won exclamations. Poetry by Rita Dove, Robert Pinsky, Richard Kenney, Alan Williamson, and many others resonates against powerful translations of Vasyl Makhno, Tomas Venclova, René Char, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Nelly Sachs. Stories by Charles Haverty, Lynne Sharon Schwartz, Anis Shivani, and Gary Amdahl seem to call to nuanced meditations by Lia Purpura, Brian Christian, and Nadia Gregor. This is a partial listing, to be sure. The issue also features a first-ever DVD—Robert Gardner’s documentary celebration of our portfolio artist Michael Mazur at work on his print illustrations of Robert Pinsky’s striking translations of the Italian master.

  EditorSven Birkerts
  Founding EditorAskold Melnyczuk
  Senior EditorWilliam Pierce
  Sr. Fiction EditorWilliam Giraldi
  Fiction EditorsJessica Keener
   William Charles Delman
  Poetry EditorsLynne Potts
   Jay Deshpande
  Asst. Poetry EditorSumita Chakraborty
  Advisory BoardLeslie Epstein
   Robert Pinsky
   Derek Walcott
   Rosanna Warren
  Editorial AssistantsHeather Hughes
   S. A. Spieller
   Sean A. Higgins
   Susan Muensterman
   Alexandra Goldstein
   Beth Romano
  Contributing EditorsLucie Brock-Broido
   John J. Clayton 
   William Corbett
   Stuart Dischell 
   Sharon Dunn, ed. emerita
   Thomas Sayers Ellis
   Marie Howe
   Diane Der-Hovanessian
   Ha Jin
   Alex Johnson
   Susan Johnson
   Fred Marchant
   Fiona McCrae
   Gail Mazur
   Joe Osterhaus
   Dzvinia Orlowsky
   Liam Rector (1949-2007)
   George Scialabba
   Tom Sleigh
   Sue Standing
   Oksana Zabuzhko
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