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Hard Water
Translated from the Spanish by Dick Cluster
You're Pinocchio, I'm Geppetto, and We Dance
As Evident by Her Numinous Flaws
Honey Valley


A Poetry Reading in Diyarbakir
Being With
My Misogyny


Le jour


Creation Myth for Bald Girls
In Which My Horns Were Forged, Not Given
First Philosophy
Untitled 1975–86
Omaha Divorce
Time Can't Erase, Together
Poem in Which I Have Doubts and Then Some Faith
Poem in Which I Try to Be Social
An October Almanac
Maria Nepomuceno—Out of the window 3 (2021)
To Hear, at This Window, Bare-Throated Bellbirds
A White Horse Is Not a Horse
Blueberry Picking
I Remember It
Not Writing
Every Poem I Write to You Is an Aubade
Biographia Literaria
Paradise Lost
The Immortal Marsyas
The Danubian Principalities' Horse
Translated from the Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg
Afternoon with Afternoon in Naples with a Black Maid by Paul Cezanne, by Katana Smith
The Kiss
The Hush
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
From the Future
Translated from the Lithuanian by Diana Senechal
Notes on Xenophon
Translated from the Lithuanian by Diana Senechal
An Underworld
The Sound of Children Screaming Has Been Removed

Art Feature

Reflections on Painting (Essay)
Under Constant Still

Consequences. AGNI 98 fronts the world as we find it, parsing enigmas and celebrating the drive to engage necessary truths. Essays by Mara Naselli and Peter Balakian take on misogyny and cultural suppression. Poems by Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Rochelle Hurt, jason b. crawford, and Sharon Olds probe the surprising energies of duress, while stories by Lucy Sweeney Byrne and Mylene Fernández Pintado (in Dick Cluster’s translation) test commitments to decisions made. Cover artist Eva Lundsager sets the tone, finding motion in landscapes at the edge.

Sven Birkerts, William Pierce
Senior Editor
Shuchi Saraswat
Senior Fiction Editor
Mary O'Donoghue
Senior Poetry Editor
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs
Poetry Editor
Jessica Q. Stark
Nonfiction Editor
Kelle Groom
Editor at Large
Julia Brown
Reviews Editor
Rachel Mennies
Blog Editors
Ryan Choi, Grace Singh Smith
Asst. Fiction Editors
Ben Black, Amber Caron, Ariel Courage
Assoc. Poetry Editor
Esteban Rodriguez
Asst. Poetry Editors
Dorsey Craft, Jenny George, Rachel Mennies
Newsletter Founder
Alison Lanier
Newsletter Introductions
Arielle Kaplan
Social (Facebook)
Effie Sapuridis
Blog Assistant
Cynthia Ayeza
Social (Twitter)
Esteban Rodriguez, Arielle Kaplan
Social (Instagram)
Sven Birkerts, Ariel Courage
Editorial Assistants
Cynthia Ayeza, Rachel M. Dillon, Ifeanyi Ekpunobi, Eitan Sengupta, Michael Campbell, Gene Wang
Founding Editor
Askold Melnyczuk
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein, Ha Jin, Robert Pinsky, Rosanna Warren
Contributing Editors
Sumita Chakraborty, John J. Clayton, Stuart Dischell, Jennifer Alise Drew, Sharon Dunn, ed. emerita, Anne Germanacos, Marie Howe, Alex Johnson, Dana Levin, Fred Marchant, Fiona McCrae, Gail Mazur, Dzvinia Orlowsky, E. C. Osondu, Lia Purpura, George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Oksana Zabuzhko
Typesetting & Design
Gian Lombardo / Quale Press
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