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Joel Spector
Portrait of Joel Spector

Joel Spector has translated the work of Peter Huchel, Yvan Goll, and other modern German poets, for over twenty years. He is currently finishing a selection of Huchel’s later poetry and is at work on a translation of the poems of Johannes Bobrowski’s Wetterzeichen. He is a rare book and paper conservator living in Portland, Maine. (Updated 04/2005)

AGNI has published the following translations:

The Heretic of Padua
by Peter Huchel
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
by Peter Huchel
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
The Mill of Death
by Yvan Goll
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
AGNI 27Print Only
The Sacred Body
by Yvan Goll
Translated from the German by Joel Spector
AGNI 27Print Only
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