Diana Der-Hovanessian

Diana Der-Hovanessian (1934–2018) was a poet, a translator of Armenian poetry, and for many years a contributing editor of AGNI. She authored over twenty-three books of poetry and translation, was twice a Fulbright Professor, and received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Society of America, the PEN/Columbia Translation Center, the Armenian Writers Union, and the Paterson Poetry Center. Her poems appeared in The American Poetry Review, Poetry, AGNI, The Partisan Review, The Nation, and elsewhere.
Der-Hovanessian’s collection Selected Poems was reviewed in AGNI 44 by Ellen Davis.
AGNI has published the following work:
AGNI has published the following translations:
Dialogue Before Death (1983) by Nina Berberova
Translated from the Russian by Marsbed Hablanian and Diana Der-Hovanessian
AGNI 38Print Only
If I Don’t Love You by Sylva Gaboudikian
Translated from the Armenian by Diana Der-Hovanessian
AGNI 31 and 32Print Only
Come Back Safely by Sylva Gaboudikian
Translated from the Armenian by Diana Der-Hovanessian
AGNI 31 and 32Print Only