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Patricia Traxler
Portrait of Patricia Traxler

Patricia Traxler is the author of four poetry collections and a novel, Blood (St. Martin’s/Macmillan). She is completing work on a collection of essays, The Eternity Bird. Her poetry has appeared widely, including in The NationBoston ReviewKenyon ReviewMs.SlatePloughsharesThe LA Times Literary Supplement, and in many anthologies, including The Best American Poetry. She was twice named Bunting Poetry Fellow at Radcliffe and has also served as the University of Montana’s Hugo Poet and Ohio State University’s Thurber Poet. (updated 7/2018)

AGNI has published the following work:

The Eternity Bird
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First Prairie Winter
AGNI 37Print Only
Death of a Distant In-law
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The Promise
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The Lesson
AGNI 36Print Only
Faith (or Why I Can’t Swim)
AGNI 34Print Only
The Edge
AGNI 34Print Only
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