Bruce Bond is the author of thirty books, most recently Scar (Etruscan Press, 2020), T**he Calling (Parlor Press, 2021), Behemoth (Encounter Books, 2021), winner of the New Criterion Prize, and Patmos (University of Massachusetts Press, 2021), winner of the Juniper Prize. His other books include Words Written Against the Walls of the City (Louisiana State University Press, 2019), Plurality and the Poetics of Self (Palgrave, 2019), Dear Reader (Parlor Press, 2018), Frankenstein’s Children (Lost Horse Press, 2018), Rise and Fall of the Lesser Sun Gods (Elixir Book Prize; Elixir Press, 2018), Blackout Starlight: New and Selected Poems 1997-2015 (E. Phillabaum Award; LSU, 2017), Sacrum (Four Way Books, 2017), Gold Bee (Helen C. Smith & Crab Orchard Awards; Southern Illinois University Press, 2016), and Black Anthem (Tampa Review Prize; University of Tampa Press, 2016). His work has appeared in seven editions of The Best American Poetry. He is Regents Emeritus Professor of English at the University of North Texas. (updated 4/2022)