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Home > Poetry >  Last Night

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

Last Night

It’s the end of August
and the ferns are rusty.
A sick leaf lands
splat on the car window.
Paul, Siri, Sophie
left late this afternoon:
Russell and Chase drove home
this morning. Last night
we drank eight bottles
of wine and a half bottle
of Armagnac while talking
unceasingly of affection,
old friends together after
many months apart. Alone,
cheerful crickets attend me
and the puppies make mock
war at my feet. I start this,
“There are days friendship…”
winding up for the big
sentiment, but last night our
hearts were simpler than that.

Portrait of William Corbett

William Corbett (1942–2018) was an American poet, essayist, editor, and publisher. He served as a contributing editor of AGNI for many years.

Corbett’s New & Selected Poems was reviewed in AGNI 43 by Michael Palmer.

Corbett’s memoir Furthering My Education was reviewed in AGNI 46 by Jeff Galbraith.

Corbett’s New York Literary Lights was reviewed in AGNI 48 by Jim Behrle.

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