Editor's Note
From the Interregnum
Double-Check for Sleeping Children
Situation Cards
by Chris Eagle
Now Pray: Notes on a Separation
Ivo Of
by Eric Pahre
Oral History of the Lansing Motors Second Annual Truck Touch (as transcribed by Lisa Poole, Assistant Manager)
by Pete Stevens
How to Speak to a Police Officer
by Bailey Gaylin Moore and Donald Quist
Gorky at the Movies
A different kind of elsewhere
by My Tran
The Other Girl
by Nin Andrews
A Brief History of Bang
by Matt Donovan
Conversations with Scott
Ever River
Self-Portrait of the Stolen Body
by Aldo Amparán
Walking the Fields
by Bruce Bond
A Few Men, a Few Ropes, Power Saws
by Abby Caplin
The Desire Path
Extinction Event #6
by Steven Duong
Ode to Adam Rippon’s Butt
A Machine Designed to Hunt Mammoths
Variation on Romance in the Time of Famine
Third Journey
Mere Atmosphere
After the Festival
by Matt Morton
by Matt Morton
by JoAnna Novak
Our Lady of the WIC Check
As If
Floating Kayak in a Storm
by Maya Ribault
Medusa Takes the Stand
Habits of Adornment
The Wreck of the Unnamed

Traces found and brought to light. Disquieting images by cover and portfolio artist Sandra Brewster catch the mood of our times—a mood echoed throughout the issue in work by our most attuned and expressive writers. Stories by Uzma Aslam Khan and Kirstin Allio lay bare the subjective costs of separation, while Bailey Gaylin Moore and Donald Quist offer a unique and relevant dialogue-essay in “How to Speak to a Police Officer.” Other stories, essays, and hybrid pieces discover new urgencies in the perennial, while the energies of invention shine out from poems by Brittany Cavallaro, Benjamin Garcia, Cyrus Cassells, Shara McCallum, and many others.
Sven Birkerts
William Pierce
Sven Birkerts, William Pierce
Nonfiction Editors
Jennifer Alise Drew
Shuchi Saraswat
Jennifer Alise Drew, Shuchi Saraswat
Poetry Editors
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs
Ruben Quesada
Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Ruben Quesada
Fiction Editors
Julia Brown
Emma Copley Eisenberg
Mary O'Donoghue
Julia Brown, Emma Copley Eisenberg, Mary O'Donoghue
Reviews Editor
Rachel Mennies
Rachel Mennies
Blog Editor
Grace Singh Smith
Grace Singh Smith
Asst. Poetry Editors
Alan Chazaro
Jenny George
Esteban Rodriguez
Jessica Q. Stark
Alan Chazaro, Jenny George, Esteban Rodriguez, Jessica Q. Stark
Asst. Fiction Editors
Ben Black
Amber Caron
Ariel Courage
Ben Black, Amber Caron, Ariel Courage
Newsletter Director
Alison Lanier
Alison Lanier
Social (Facebook)
Effie Sapuridis
Effie Sapuridis
Dan Pritchard
Dan Pritchard
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein
Robert Pinsky
Rosanna Warren
Ha Jin
Leslie Epstein, Robert Pinsky, Rosanna Warren, Ha Jin
Contributing Editors
Sumita Chakraborty
John J. Clayton
Stuart Dischell
Sharon Dunn, ed. Emerita
Anne Germanacos
Marie Howe
Alex Johnson
Dana Levin
Fred Marchant
Fiona McCrae
Gail Mazur
Dzvinia Orlowsky
E.C. Osondu
Lia Purpura
George Scialabba
Tom Sleigh
Sue Standing
Oksana Zabuzhko
Sumita Chakraborty, John J. Clayton, Stuart Dischell, Sharon Dunn, ed. Emerita, Anne Germanacos, Marie Howe, Alex Johnson, Dana Levin, Fred Marchant, Fiona McCrae, Gail Mazur, Dzvinia Orlowsky, E.C. Osondu, Lia Purpura, George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Oksana Zabuzhko
Editorial Assistants
Tyler Dunston
Nayereh Doosti
Anna Schaeffer
Anna Prawdzik Hull
Ari Kaplan
Tyler Dunston, Nayereh Doosti, Anna Schaeffer, Anna Prawdzik Hull, Ari Kaplan
Founding Editor
Askold Melnyczuk
Askold Melnyczuk