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José Emilio Pacheco
Portrait of José Emilio Pacheco

José Emilio Pacheco (1939–2014), considered one of the most important Mexican writers of the twentieth century, was a prolific and influential author of poetry, fiction, cultural journalism, and literary translation. Pacheco’s poetry is characterized by its concise, unadorned, and understated quality and by its promotion of empathy and respect for human rights, other species, and the natural environment. (updated 10/2020)

AGNI has published the following work:

Over the Waves
by José Emilio Pacheco
Translated from the Spanish by Cynthia Steele
AGNI 92Print Only
The Sea Urchin
by José Emilio Pacheco
Translated from the Spanish by Cynthia Steele
AGNI 92Print Only
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