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Wanda Phipps
Portrait of Wanda Phipps

Wanda Phipps is the author of Wake-Up Calls: 66 Morning Poems (Softskull Press, 2004) and numerous chapbooks. Her work has appeared in such journals as Exquisite Corpse, The World, AGNIBrooklyn Review Online, and elsewhere. (updated 7/2010)

AGNI has published the following work:

fromRose Window (or Prosettes)
AGNI 39Print Only

AGNI has published the following translations:

Light of the Heavens
by Sayan Zhambalov
Translated from the Buryat by Sayan Zhambalov, Virlana Tkacz, and Wanda Phipps
AGNI 51Print Only
Two Traditional Texts
by The Buryat Mongolians
Translated from the Buryat by Sayan Zhambalov, Virlana Tkacz, and Wanda Phipps
AGNI 51Print Only
My Eyes are the Shimmering Waters
by Sayan Zhambalov
Translated from the Buryat by Sayan Zhambalov, Virlana Tkacz, and Wanda Phipps
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by Attila Mohylyny
Translated from the Ukrainian by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps
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by Natalka Bilotserkivets
Translated from the Ukrainian by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps
AGNI 34Print Only
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