Shuchi Saraswat is senior editor of AGNI and has been part of the editorial team since 2019. Her essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Ploughshares, Orion, Michigan Quarterly Review, AGNI, Ecotone, and elsewhere. Her fiction has received support from the Speculative Literature Foundation, Art Omi, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, among others; in 2024, her novel-in-progress received a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Foundation and was shortlisted for the Granum Foundation Prize. Founder of the Transnational Literature Series at Brookline Booksmith, a reading series focused on themes of migration, the intersection of politics & literature, and works in translation, she’s served as a judge for the 2019 National Book Award in Translated Literature and the 2021 Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Nonfiction. She lives in Boston. (updated 11/2024)
With Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, she coedited Futures: An AGNI Portfolio of Work in Translation.