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Robert Bensen
Portrait of Robert Bensen

Robert Bensen is the author of six collections of poetry, most recently Before (Five Oaks Press, 2019). His poems have appeared in The Antioch Review, Callaloo, The Paris Review, AGNI, Poetry Wales, and elsewhere. He has received fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Harvard University, the State of New York, and the Illinois Arts Council. He conducts the community poetry workshop at Bright Hill Press in Treadwell, New York, and is the founding director of Woodland Arts Editions, a small literary press. More info at robertbensen.com. (updated 10/2021)

AGNI has published the following work:

Two Dancers
AGNI 57Print Only
Before You Know It
AGNI 85Print Only
The Garden and the Abyss: Columbus’ Journal and Three Caribbean Writers
AGNI 28Print Only
The Waves at Matsushima
AGNI 21Print Only
Driving the County Blacktop
AGNI 21Print Only

AGNI has published the following translation:

Bread, Hashish, and the Moon
by Nizar Qabbani
Translated from the Arabic by Rana Bitar and Robert Bensen
AGNI 94Print Only
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