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Home > Poetry >  You Can See How the Waves

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

You Can See How the Waves

You can see how the waves
roll in and out but the shore

remains intact. Essentially
unchanged. Or how a seed

opens and the shoot pushes up
while the root thrusts down.

A horizon of sun above, mineral
and water below. Argue

if you must how the shore manifests
instability, how grains of sand

are swept off the beach and cast
into new maps. Or how

canopy shades the smaller tree
to death while roots crack

the mortar of a house. Cry out what
you imagine the heart

of the world to be. What solace
in the harsh knowing all you

love will perish? The sun rises.
The sun sets. If you think

of a great circle you are half right.
Consider center and radius,

not circumference. Consider containment.
You choose the weight of stone

in your belly when you could
be a feather. In the end none

of this matters. As you fall or fly
remember the way of the sea.

To surge is to recede is to surge is to recede.

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