Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.
When We Found the Rete
That can’t be used for any other purpose
Than to change what it has been thrown
Upon, as when the egg whites clarify the stock,
As when at the block party we see someone
We haven’t ever seen, the wrong turn,
The envelope we slice our lips on when
We try to lick it, as if it could remain
Glued forever, as if inside it were
A key we are mailing to something
We still can’t imagine opening, six-month-
Old Ettore’s mouth searching for Chiara’s
Breast, and the rest we know, that time
Has shed us more than we have shed time,
If that’s the rule, if the rule can be
Broken like the bicycle chain, to be fixed
Again, inopportune, impromptu, like
Thinking we could have memorized Leaves
Of Grass if we had taken the time, the expired
Jars of tomatoes we put on the fence railings
And shot at, sometimes the glass shattering red,
Forewarning of the time that we ourselves
Might have exploded, the row we hoed,
The row we tried to subdue, the overdue
Books that have finally become overdone,
And in all of this, Eros loves Psyche, when we
Sow ourselves with love, those stars all
Night the net we’ve always believed we will mend.
Eponym, tautonym (Gorilla Gorilla), heteronym (row row); so sue me; saw, sew, sow, sue; raw, row, rue; rat, rete, Ritalin, rot, rut; medicine as melancholia; afterglow; how phlegm becomes phlegmatic; routine; problematic; the psyche is so somatic; hold is to ship as ship is to sea; bootleg; killing, top billing
“When We Found the Rete_” is part of a series of poems accompanied by the notes from Mayes’s drafts._

The poems of Edward Mayes have appeared in The Southern Review, Poetry, The New Yorker, AGNI, The American Poetry Review, The Best American Poetry, and elsewhere. His books include First Language (Juniper Prize, University of Massachusetts Press) and Works & Days (AWP Prize in Poetry, University of Pittsburgh Press). He lives in Hillsborough, North Carolina, and Cortona, Italy, with his wife, the writer Frances Mayes. (updated 10/2013)
Edward Mayes’s poems in AGNI 20, AGNI 37, and AGNI 56 appeared under the name Edward Kleinschmidt.