three donors four midwives
seven IUIs with frozen sperm
three tries with fresh samples
one apartment
one Brooklyn Airbnb without a kitchen
we boil water on a hot plate
submerge glass syringe
in coffee mug
before pandemic our friend drives
from New York
stays in our spare bedroom
we walk local woods
in constant embrace
laugh and snap photos
in marshy dusk
one lawyer
one social worker
two legal documents
piles of paperwork
our friend as donor
not parent
seven doctors
four anesthesiologists
a coven of nurses
one with a bright
pink uterus
embroidered on her scrubs
one who holds my hand
as I lose
twelve phlebotomists
seven ultrasound technicians
only Deb tells us anything
we ask for her by name
soon after sunrise
she holds the wand inside me
counts my follicles aloud
two hysteroscopies
one successful
two polyps
one fibroid
culled from inside
four hospitals
three acupuncturists
two insurance plans
three pharmacies
twelve prescriptions
two refills
calculated deliveries of HCG
two days before my cycle
nine days before expiration
two refrigerated cartons
Gonal F & Ovidrel
twelve pre-filled syringes of Ganirelix
eight boxes of Endometrin
100 milligrams three times daily
thirty plastic applicators
100 liners to keep my underwear clean
two red plastic sharps containers
overflowing with spent needles
seven doses of Ativan
two boxes of alcohol swabs
three qt. bags of subdermal needles
one October afternoon
sobbing in the bath
until the tepid water chills
months pass before
we begin again
January signals yes
six weeks become twelve
and somehow
a second heartbeat
lodges inside me
hummingbird flicker
tiny ocean in a shell
Rage Hezekiah is the author of Yearn (Diode Editions, 2022), Unslakable (Paper Nautilus Press, 2019), and Stray Harbor (Finishing Line Press, 2019). Based in New England, she has received the St. Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award and fellowships from Cave Canem, MacDowell, and Ragdale. (updated 4/2023)