I saw that the shanty town had grown over the graves and
_ _ that the crowd lived among the memorials.It was never very cold; a parachute slung between an angel
_ _ and an urn afforded shelter for newcomers.Wooden beds were essential.
These people kept their supplies of gasoline in litre bottles,
_ _ which the children sold at the cemetery gates.That night the city was attacked with rockets.
The firebrigade bided its time.
The people dug for money beneath their beds, to pay
_ _ the firemen.The shanty town was destroyed, the cemetery restored.
Seeing a plane shot down, not far from the airport, many of
_ _ the foreign community took fright.The next day, they joined the queues in the gymnasium,
_ _asking to leave.When the victorious army arrived, they were welcomed by
_ _the firebrigade.This was the only spontaneous demonstration in their favour.
Other spontaneous demonstrations in their favour were
_ _organised by the victors.
James Fenton was born in Lincoln and educated at Oxford. He has been a political and literary journalist at The New Statesman, a free-lance reporter in Cambodia and Vietnam, and a foreign correspondent in Germany for The Guardian. He now reviews theatre for The Sunday Times; You Were Marvelous, a collection of his theatre criticism, will be published this year by Jonathan Cape. (updated 1983)