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Sandra McPherson
Portrait of Sandra McPherson

Photo credit: Phoebe Carlile

Sandra McPherson is the author of twelve poetry collections, most recently Quicksilver, Cougars, and Quartz (Salmon Poetry, due 2020). Her latest poems have appeared or are forthcoming in PloughsharesAGNI, Whitefish, Red Wheelbarrow, Poetry, and elsewhere. Founder and former editor of Swan Scythe Press, she taught poetry for twenty-three years at the University of California at Davis and for four years at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her collection of sixty-seven African-American improvisational quilts is housed at the UC Davis Design Department. (updated 4/2020)

AGNI has published the following work:

AGNI 88Print Only
AGNI 10 and 11Print Only
Answers: To Myself in Another Year
AGNI 10 and 11Print Only
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