Isabel Fargo Cole is a U.S.-born, Berlin-based writer and translator. Her translations include The Jew Car by Franz Fühmann (Seagull Books, 2013), All the Roads Are Open by Annemarie Schwarzenbach (Seagull Books, 2011), and Boys and Murderers by Hermann Ungar (Twisted Spoon Press, 2006). She is the initiator and co-editor of no-mans-land.org, an online magazine for new German literature in English. Her translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Archipelago, Crab Orchard Review, AGNI, and The Missouri Review, and she has translated two books for Vitalis Verlag in Prague: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Two Prague Stories (2002) and The Golem by Gustav Meyrink (2003). A story of her own has appeared in The Antioch Review. (updated 6/2013)
Her translation of Wolfgang Hilbig‘s “The Abandoned Factory,” first published in AGNI, was reprinted in Harper’s in July 2003.