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Home > About > Our People > Authors >  Ioanna Carlsen
Ioanna Carlsen
Portrait of Ioanna Carlsen

Ioanna Carlsen is the author of the collection The Whisperer. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, The Hudson Review, AGNI, The Beloit Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. They have also been featured at Poetry Daily and in Billy Collins’s Poetry 180. She won the 2002 Glimmer Train Poetry Open, and her work has been selected for two print anthologies, most recently Pomegranate Seeds, a collection of Greek-American poetry. She lives in Tesuque, New Mexico. (updated 4/2017)

AGNI has published the following work:

AGNI 63Print Only
The Dog Hermes
AGNI 72Print Only
Giacometti, Nine Figures
AGNI 83Print Only
A Poem Called Baroque
AGNI 85Print Only
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