Cynthia Steele
Photo credit: Carolyn Cullen
Cynthia Steele’s translations include Inés Arredondo’s Underground Rivers and Other Stories(University of Nebraska Press, 1996), José Emilio Pacheco’s City of Memory and Other Poems (City Lights, 2001), and María Gudín’s Open Sea (Amazon Crossing, 2018). Her translations of Latin American authors have also appeared in Chicago Review, Gulf Coast, AGNI, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. She is professor emerita of comparative literature at the University of Washington, Seattle. (updated 10/2021)
AGNI has published the following translations:
Mandelstam Street and Other Apocryphal Territories by Jaime Luis Huenún Villa
Translated from the Spanish by Cynthia Steele
Over the Waves by José Emilio Pacheco
Translated from the Spanish by Cynthia Steele
AGNI 92Print Only
The Sea Urchin by José Emilio Pacheco
Translated from the Spanish by Cynthia Steele
AGNI 92Print Only