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Editor's Note


Across My Big Brass Bed
Troika for Lovers
from The Anchor’s Long Chain
Translated from the French by Hoyt Rogers


High Compression: Information, Intimacy, and the Entropy of Life
What Will the Soul Do for Solace Then?
Crucibles: Intimations of Randomness


Winter in the Garden
Fire Season
Shadow of Two
The Last Man Who Knew Everything
Translated from the Italian by Martha Cooley and Antonio Romani
The Divine Right of Caprice
Adjacent to the way
Striking the Set
Chernobyl Eclogue

Art Feature

Where Were You When the Moon Was Full?
In Her Hands: The Art World Goes to War (essay)

Radical compressions and striking explosions. Brian Christian proposes a radical theory of art as information, and Senior Editor Bill Pierce riffs out further connections, while artist Aldwyth (as elucidated by fellow-artist Rosamond Purcell) offers uncannily apt illustration. Lovers’ beds abound—in fiction by Gary Amdahl, Michael Mejia, and Margo Berdeshevsky—and poets, including Adam Day, Garrett Keizer, Eva Hooker, and Deborah Pease, find what’s fresh and disturbing in the nothing new that is under the sun.

Sven Birkerts
Founding Editor
Askold Melnyczuk
Senior Editor
William Pierce
Sr. Fiction Editor
William Giraldi
Fiction Editors
Jessica Keener, William Charles Delman
Poetry Editors
Lynne Potts, Jay Deshpande
Asst. Poetry Editor
Sumita Chakraborty
Advisory Board
Leslie Epstein, Robert Pinsky, Derek Walcott, Rosanna Warren
Editorial Assistants
Cassie Schmitz, Renee Emerson, Trenton Pollard, Indu Ohri, Hank Backer, Nikki Bazar, Maia Rauschenberg, Mara Birkerts
Contributing Editors
Lucie Brock-Broido, John J. Clayton, William Corbett, Stuart Dischell, Sharon Dunn, ed. emerita, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Marie Howe, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Ha Jin, Alex Johnson, Susan Johnson, Fred Marchant, Fiona McCrae, Gail Mazur, Joe Osterhaus, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Liam Rector (1949-2007), George Scialabba, Tom Sleigh, Sue Standing, Oksana Zabuzhko
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