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Yi Won
Portrait of Yi Won

Yi Won is the South Korean author of six books of poetry and essays, including most recently Let Love be Born (2017) and I Am My Affectionate Zebra (2018). In her debut collection in English, The World’s Lightest Motorcycle (Zephyr Press, 2021), her work ranges from avant-garde prose poems to more lyrical (if dark) free verse, as she examines isolation, loneliness, death, and the passage of time—and in the process upends polite society and Korean literary culture. A successor to feminist poets like Kim Hyesoon, she frequently writes about the perilousness of maintaining one’s human identity in a high-tech, digital environment. She has received, among other honors, the Equity Literature Award and the Poet Town Literary Award. She lives in Seoul, where she is professor of creating writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts. (updated 10/2021)

AGNI has published the following work:

by Yi Won
Translated from the Korean by E. J. Koh and Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
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