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Valerie Duff
Portrait of Valerie Duff

Valerie Duff is the author of the collection To The New World (Salmon Poetry, 2010), shortlisted for the Seamus Heaney Centre Poetry Prize (Queen’s University, Belfast). Her poems have appeared in The Common, Solstice, AGNI, The Antioch Review, Verse, The Prague Revue, and elsewhere and her reviews in Harvard Review and The Boston Book Review. Former managing editor of AGNI and poetry editor of Salamander, she has received an individual artist grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and was the 2015 Poetry Fellow at the Writers’ Room of Boston. (updated 4/2016)

AGNI has published the following work:

After Dinner
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Wild Nights
A Terrible Beauty is Born
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Cover My Body with Mud, Give Me Back My Eyes
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AGNI has published the following translations:

Photographs of Mothers and Babies
by Liliana Ursu
Translated from the Romanian by Liliana Ursu, Tess Gallagher, and Valerie Duff
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From the Diary of a Harlequin
by Liliana Ursu
Translated from the Romanian by Liliana Ursu, Tess Gallagher, and Valerie Duff
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