Timothy Liu, also known as Liu Ti Mo, is the author of twelve books of poems, including Down Low and Lowdown: Bedside Bottom-Feeder Blues (Barrow Street Press, 2023), Luminous Debris: New & Selected Legerdemain (1992-2017) (2018), Polytheogamy (Saturnalia Press, 2009), Bending the Mind Around the Dream’s Blown Fuse (Talisman House, 2009), For Dust Thou Art (Southern Illinois University Press, 2005), Of Thee I Sing (2004), selected by Publishers Weekly as a 2004 Book-of-the-Year, Hard Evidence (2001), Say Goodnight (1998), Burnt Offerings (1995), and Vox Angelica (1992), which won the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award, and was reviewed in AGNI 39 by Christopher Davis. Translated into nine languages, Liu’s poems have appeared in such places as Best American Poetry, Bomb, Grand Street, AGNI, Kenyon Review, The Nation, New American Writing, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, Poetry and Virginia Quarterly Review. He teaches at SUNY New Paltz and lives in Woodstock, New York. More at www.timothyliu.net. (updated 10/2024)