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Thom Satterlee
Portrait of Thom Satterlee

Thom Satterlee translated, from the Danish, The Hangman’s Lament: Poems of Henrik Nordbrandt (Green Integer, 2003) and two collections of the poet Per Aage Brandt: These Hands (HOST, 2011) and If I Were a Suicide Bomber & Other Verses (Open Letter, 2017). His individual translations have appeared in Seneca Review, Prairie Schooner, AGNIThe Literary Review, and elsewhere. (updated 10/2018)

AGNI has published the following translations:

from Sorrowful Sextets
by Per Aage Brandt
Translated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee
AGNI 88Print Only
“The way the walls . . .”
by Annemette Kure Andersen
Translated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee
by Henrik Nordbrandt
Translated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee
A Note from the War in Kosovo
by Henrik Nordbrandt
Translated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee
Dream of Gold
by Henrik Nordbrandt
Translated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee
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