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Tamas Dobozy
Portrait of Tamas Dobozy

Tamas Dobozy is the author of four books of stories, most recently Ghost Geographies (New Star Books, 2021) and Siege 13 (Milkweed Editions, 2013), which won the 2012 Rogers Writers Trust of Canada Fiction Prize and was shortlisted for the 2013 Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award. His stories have appeared in such journals as One Story, FictionAGNI, and Granta, and won an O. Henry Prize and a Gold Medal for Fiction at the National Magazine Awards. He is a professor of English at Wilfrid Laurier University and lives in Kitchener, Ontario. (updated 10/2022)

AGNI has published the following work:

Burn the Ground Where You Sleep
AGNI 96Print Only
All the Black Hearted Villians
AGNI 70Print Only
Ghost Geographies
AGNI 76Print Only
Four by Kline Caro
AGNI 84Print Only
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