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Moisei Fishbein
Portrait of Moisei Fishbein

Moisei Fishbein, born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine, emigrated to Israel in 1979 and works in Munich, Germany. His publications include three books of poetry, Apokrif (1996), Zbirka bez nazvy (1985), and Yambove-kolo (1974), as well as children’s literature, literary translations, and nonfiction. (updated 1998)

AGNI has published the following work:

In Memory of Paul Celan
by Moisei Fishbein
Translated from the Ukrainian by J. Kates and Bohdan Rubchak
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I was killed in nineteen hundred sixteen
by Moisei Fishbein
Translated from the Ukrainian by J. Kates and Bohdan Rubchak
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...A mouth contorted in pain
by Moisei Fishbein
Translated from the Ukrainian by J. Kates and Bohdan Rubchak
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