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Margret Grebowicz
Portrait of Margret Grebowicz

Margret Grebowicz is a native speaker of Polish from Lódz. Her translations have appeared in Quarterly West, Literary Imagination, AGNI, Poetry International, FIELD, Two Lines, and elsewhere. She is associate professor of philosophy at Goucher College, author of numerous articles, co-editor of Still Seeking an Attitude: Critical Reflections on the Work of June Jordan, and editor of two critical anthologies, Gender After Lyotard. (updated 4/2011)

AGNI has published the following work:

Philosophy Seminar: The Carnivore
AGNI 73Print Only

AGNI has published the following translations:

The Music Lesson
by Ewa Lipska
Translated from the Polish by Robin Davidson and Margret Grebowicz
AGNI 58Print Only
Private Property
by Ewa Lipska
Translated from the Polish by Robin Davidson and Margret Grebowicz
AGNI 58Print Only
God Asks
by Ewa Lipska
Translated from the Polish by Robin Davidson and Margret Grebowicz
AGNI 58Print Only
by Ewa Lipska
Translated from the Polish by Margret Grebowicz
AGNI 70Print Only
From Afar
by Ewa Lipska
Translated from the Polish by Margret Grebowicz
AGNI 70Print Only
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