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Julien Gracq
Portrait of Julien Gracq

Julien Gracq (1910–2007) was born Louis Poirier. A high school history and geography teacher, he forged a distinguished literary career writing primarily novels, but also short stories, prose poetry, plays, criticism, and essays. In 1951, Gracq won the Prix Goncourt for Le Rivage des Syrtes (The Opposing Shore)but refused it out of disdain for the literary establishment. He is one of the few writers whose complete works were published during their lifetimes by the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, France’s most prestigious collection of classic authors. (updated 10/2022)

AGNI has published the following work:

Parties at the House of Augustulus
by Julien Gracq
Translated from the French by Alice Yang
AGNI 96Print Only
The Monastery of the Pantocrator
by Julien Gracq
Translated from the French by Alice Yang
AGNI 96Print Only
by Julien Gracq
Translated from the French by Alice Yang
AGNI 96Print Only
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