Ian Haight is the author of the poetry collection Celadon (Unicorn Press, 2017), winner of the Unicorn Press First Book Prize. With T’ae-yong Hŏ, he has co-translated four poetry collections, including Red Rain on a Spring Mountain: Complete Poems of Nansŏrhŏn (White Pine Press, forthcoming 2024) and Homage to Green Tea by the Korean monk Ch’oŭi (White Pine, forthcoming 2023). He is also the editor of Zen Questions and Answers from Korea (White Pine). He has won Ninth Letter’s Literary Award in Translation and has been awarded translation grants by the Daesan Foundation, the Korea Literary Translation Institute, and the Baroboin Buddhist Foundation. His poems, essays, and translations have appeared in Barrow Street, AGNI Online, The Writer’s Chronicle, and Prairie Schooner. For more information visit ianhaight.com. (updated 10/2022)