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Charles Bardes, M.D.
Portrait of Charles Bardes, M.D.

Charles Bardes is a physician who practices and teaches medicine in New York.  His book-length prose poem, Diary of Our Fatal Illness (University of Chicago Press, Phoenix Poets, 2017), narrates the illness and death of an aged man. Other poems, essays, and ruminations have appeared in AGNI, Raritan, Ploughshares, The New England Journal of Medicine, and elsewhere. Pale Faces: The Masks of Anemia (Bellevue Literary Press, 2008) is an extended lyric essay that probes the mythological and cultural aspects of a common disease construct. In 2018 he received the Blackwell Prize in Writing, which “honors a writer who exhibits exceptional talent on the printed page, as well as meaningful social commitments on the public stage.”  More info at charlesbardes.com. (updated 3/2020)

Charles Bardes and Tom Sleigh coauthored “A Viral Exchange, under Lockdown” for the AGNI blog.

AGNI has published the following work:

Distortions on Caius
AGNI 79 Print Only
Distortions on Boorde 1
AGNI 79 Print Only
Seven essays from The Double Serpent: Subtexts in Medicine: caduceus, diseasification, morphine—by way of an explanation, radical mastectomy, sulfa, urinalysis, wound
AGNI 63 Print Only
Online 2006 Aging Illness
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