Artur Szlosarek

Artur Szlosarek was born in Krakow, Poland, in 1968. He is the author of six books of poetry, including Under a Foreign Sky (2005), Letter to a Wall (2000), Camera Obscura (1998), and Ashes and Honey (1996). English translations of his work appear in the anthologies Young Poets of a New Poland (Forest Books, London, 1993) and_ Carnivorous Boy, Carnivorous Bird_ (Zephyr Press, 2004) as well as in Polish-poetry-centered issues of Chicago Review and Lyric. He lives in Berlin. (updated 2006)
AGNI has published the following work:
Temptation by Artur Szlosarek
Translated from the Polish by Jennifer Grotz and Anna Skucinska