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André du Bouchet
Portrait of André du Bouchet

André du Bouchet (1924–2001) is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest French authors of the twentieth century. A groundbreaking poet, he was a prolific translator from English, German, and Russian, as well as a noted critic of art and literature. He published nearly seventy books, including scores of volumes of verse and lyric prose, numerous works on Giacometti and other artists, and translations of Faulkner, Shakespeare, Joyce, Hölderlin, Riding, and Pasternak. In the late sixties he co-founded—with Yves Bonnefoy, Jacques Dupin, and Paul Celan—the influential literary journal L’Éphémère. Among many other honors, he was awarded the National Poetry Prize in 1983.

AGNI has published the following work:

by André du Bouchet
Translated from the French by Hoyt Rogers
AGNI 90Print Only
Notebook Fragments, 1952–1954
by André du Bouchet
Translated from the French by Eric Fishman
Alphabet Fire
by André du Bouchet
Translated from the French by Hoyt Rogers
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I See Almost Nothing
by André du Bouchet
Translated from the French by Hoyt Rogers
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by André du Bouchet
Translated from the French by Hoyt Rogers
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