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Translated from the Spanish by Sarah Arvio

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

[The mown field]

Translated from the Spanish by Sarah Arvio


The mown field
and a hazy moon

Through the air drift
the dreams of seeds

Spike of blue wheat
and white poppy

My soul
one delirious

The mown field
and a hazy moon


Federico García Lorca (1898–1936) is considered one of the greatest poets and playwrights of the twentieth century. He was murdered by Fascist forces at the outset of the Spanish Civil War.

Sarah Arvio is the author of night thoughts: 70 dream poems & notes from an analysis; Sono: Cantos; and Visits from the Seventh (all Alfred A. Knopf). “[The mown field]” is forthcoming in a new volume of the works of Federico García Lorca, Poet in Spain: New Translations (Knopf, 2017).


Portrait of Federico García Lorca

Federico Garcí­a Lorca (1898–1936) is considered one of the greatest poets and playwrights of the twentieth century. He was murdered by Fascist forces at the outset of the Spanish Civil War.

Portrait of Sarah Arvio

Sarah Arvio is the author of night thoughts: 70 dream poems & notes from an analysis; Sono: Cantos; and Visits from the Seventh (all Alfred A. Knopf). Forthcoming is a new volume of the works of Federico Garcí­a Lorca, Poet in Spain: New Translations (Knopf, 2017). (updated 9/2017)

AGNI has published the following translations:

“Bells for the Dead” by Federico García Lorca
“[The mown field]” by Federico García Lorca

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