Home > Poetry >  If you are traveling with a live child

Chitra Ganesh, How to Assemble a Flying Car (detail), 2018, linocut on tan BFK Rives. Courtesy of the artist & Durham Press.

If you are traveling with a live child

forget canyons,
they are all genitalia anyway

which is why fathers
always take pictures

and wouldn’t Freud have a cigar
day with that

but no one is allowed
to smoke anymore

after sex
because it kills
the feng shui
of the moment

and what is traveling
besides moments

where we are

where we are not meant to be

which explains
the pictures

the desire

to say to anyone
who will listen

I was here.

Portrait of Betsy Johnson-Miller
Betsy Johnson-Miller is a poet, pastor, and author of a young-adult novel series. Her work has appeared in The Seattle Review, AGNI, Ascent, The Chiron Review, and elsewhere. (updated 6/2010)
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