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Yaccaira Salvatierra
Portrait of Yaccaira Salvatierra

Yaccaira Salvatierra’s debut poetry collection, Sons of Salt, is forthcoming from BOA Editions in September. Her poems have appeared in The Nation, AGNI, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, and elsewhere. She is an organizer of the San Francisco International Flor y Canto Literary Festival and is currently translating Estancias de Emilia Tangoa, a poetry collection by Peruvian poet Ana Varela Tafur. She lives in Oakland, California, where she works as an educator. (updated 4/2024)

AGNI has published the following translations:

Intermittent Water
by Ana Varela Tafur
Translated from the Spanish by Yaccaira Salvatierra
AGNI 99Print Only
by Ana Varela Tafur
Translated from the Spanish by Yaccaira Salvatierra
AGNI 99Print Only
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