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Todd Fredson
Portrait of Todd Fredson

Todd Fredson is the author of two poetry collections: Century Worm (New Issues Press, 2018) and The Crucifix-Blocks (Tebot Bach, 2012). He has made French to English translations of Ivorian poet Josué Guébo’s books My country, tonight (Action Books, 2016) and Think of Lampedusa (University of Nebraska Press, 2017), as well as Ivorian poet Tanella Boni’s collection The Future Has an Appointment with the Dawn (University of Nebraska Press, 2018), which was a finalist for the Best Translated Book Award and the National Translation Award. His translation of Boni’s most recent collection, There where it’s so bright in me, is forthcoming (University of Nebraska Press, 2022), as is a translation of Bété poet Azo Vauguy’s long poems Zakwato and Loglêdou’s Peril (Action Books, 2023). Fredson is the recipient of Fulbright and National Endowment for the Arts fellowships. (updated 10/2021)

AGNI has published the following translations:

I approach the last bank
by Tanella Boni
Translated from the French by Todd Fredson
AGNI 94Print Only
This inner time is mine
by Tanella Boni
Translated from the French by Todd Fredson
AGNI 94Print Only
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