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Ted Genoways
Portrait of Ted Genoways

Ted Genoways is the author of three books of poetry—most recently Anna, Washing (University of Georgia Press, 2008), a selection for the VQR Poetry Series—as well as Walt Whitman and the Civil War: America’s Poet during the Lost Years of 1860-1862 (University of California Press, 2009). He was appointed the editor of VQR in 2003. (updated 7/2010)

AGNI has published the following translations:

My Blood Is a Road
by Miguel Hernández
Translated from the Spanish by Ted Genoways
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I have accustomed these bones to grief
by Miguel Hernández
Translated by Ted Genoways
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It tires me so much
by Miguel Hernández
Translated from the Spanish by Ted Genoways
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