Taije Silverman

The poems of Taije Silverman have appeared in Poetry, AGNI, Ploughshares, Pleiades, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She is the author of the book Houses Are Fields (Louisiana State University Press, 2009) and was a 2011 Fulbright Research Scholar at the University of Bologna. Her translations of Italian poetry have been published in New England Review, The Kenyon Review, Crazyhorse, AGNI, The Nation, and elsewhere. She lives in Philadelphia and teaches poetry and translation at the University of Pennsylvania. (updated 4/2016)
AGNI has published the following work:
AGNI has published the following translations:
When It Was Winter by Giovanni Pascoli
Translated from the Italian by Taije Silverman
AGNI 76Print Only
The Swallows by Giovanni Pascoli
Translated from the Italian by Taije Silverman and Marina Della Putta Johnston
AGNI 83Print Only
The Rooted Oar by Giovanni Pascoli
Translated from the Italian by Taije Silverman and Marina Della Putta Johnston
AGNI 83Print Only