Mirza Purić is a literary translator working from German and Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian. He is a contributing editor of EuropeNow and in-house translator for the Sarajevo Writers’ Workshop. From 2014 to 2017 he was an editor-at-large for Asymptote. He has published several book-length translations into BCMS, including Nathan Englander’s The Ministry of Special Cases, Michael Köhlmeier’s Idylle mit ertrinkendem Hund, and Rabih Alameddine’s The Hakawati. His translations into English have appeared in Asymptote, H.O.W., EuropeNow, AGNI, PEN America, and elsewhere. Next year Archipelago Books will release his co-translation, with Ellen Elias-Bursac, of Miljenko Jergovic’s story collection Inshallah, Madonna, Inshallah. (updated 10/2018)