Jaime Luis Huenún, born in Valdivia, southern Chile, is an award-winning Mapuche-Huilliche poet whose six books include, most recently, La calle Maldestam y otros territorios apócrifos (2016) and Crónicas de la Nueva Esperanza / Chronicles of New Hope, forthcoming in a bilingual edition from Lom Ediciones in Santiago, Chile. He has won, among other awards, the Pablo Neruda Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Chilean National Council on Arts and Culture’s Best Work of Literature 2013, for Reducciones. He has also edited several anthologies of Mapuche and other Latin American Indigenous poetry, including Epu mari ülkatufe ta fachantü: 20 poetas mapuche contemporáneos (Lom, 2003). Two of his books are available in English translation: Port Trakl (Diálogos, 2008) and Fanon City Meu (Action Books, 2018). Huenún lives in Santiago, where he works in the Chilean Ministry of Culture’s Department of Intercultural Studies. (updated 10/2021)